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The Best Short Messages for Anniversaries

The Best Short Messages for Anniversaries

An anniversary is a special occasion that deserves recognition. Perhaps it's your own anniversary, or your parents’, friend’s, or a co-worker's. No matter whose it is, flowers make an excellent congratulatory gift. Deliverable gifts like plants, flowers, and candles show that you care and that you remember this important day.

You can make this gift even better when you attach a personalized message with your name at the end. This turns a beautiful gift into a sentimental one. It doesn’t take long to make an anniversary message, but this small addition can have a big impact. It’s easy to select one of our preset messages or take a minute to write one of your own. Need some ideas for anniversary messages? This article will give some examples of how to get started.

The Best Short Messages for Anniversaries

  1. Use Our Popular Preset Messages
  2. Messages for Your Spouse or Partner
  3. Messages for Family Members
  4. Messages for Friends
  5. Messages for Coworkers

Use Our Popular Preset Messages

Need to make it quick? No problem. Thankfully, flower delivery can be arranged in a matter of minutes, allowing you to reach people no matter where you are. If you don’t have time to make a fully personal message, we can help with that.

At checkout, select "romantic anniversary," then click on “personalize your gift." Sift through a few preset messages after selecting “anniversary” as the occasion. Here are the types of pre-rendered messages that will show up:

  • If you were a flower, I’d pick you every time. Happy anniversary!
  • Can’t wait for us to spend many more amazing years together. Happy anniversary!
  • I’m so glad we both swiped right. Happy anniversary!
  • You two are an inspiration. Happy anniversary — here’s to many more.

If these anniversary card messages don’t hit the spot, check out some other examples below that you can use for inspiration. We based them on the recipient because who you’re sending the gift to is the biggest influencer for your tone. For instance, you may prefer funny anniversary messages for close friends but then prefer generic messages for a colleague.

Messages for Your Spouse or Partner

When you need to write a message to the love of your life, it's important to help them feel truly recognized and cherished. You don't need to say a lot to convey your feelings, either. Since the gift is coming from you, it will mean the world to your partner. If you need some ideas, these are some good idea joggers.

  • Happy anniversary, my love. I can't wait to see you later to wine and dine with you!
  • I can't believe it's been already (number) years together! It just keeps on getting better. Happy anniversary!
  • Our love ages like fine wine, it just keeps on getting more refined with time.
  • Another year with you has just flown by because living with you is so much fun. I love you.
  • You are my one and only and I'm so happy to celebrate another year of my life with you.
  • Our love just keeps on getting better and better, and I'm so glad to have you in my life. Happy anniversary, my love.

All custom messages have a 160-character limit, which averages a couple of sentences. This makes it easy to create short and sweet messages that make an impact.

Messages for Family Members

When a family member has an anniversary, it's an occasion to celebrate. Why not send congratulatory flowers? These are some simple messages that you can also include with your gift to make it extra personal.

  • Happy anniversary to my awesome parents! We are so happy to celebrate another year of your marriage.
  • Happy silver/gold anniversary! What an amazing milestone. I can't wait to celebrate with you soon.
  • Your relationship has been an inspiration to me. Many congratulations on your anniversary.
  • Happy anniversary, (name)! Your incredible love story is just beginning. Here's to a year down and many more to go.

It always feels good when you receive flowers from a family member to honor your special day. Surprise them with a deliverable gift to make their day even better.

Messages for Friends

It's always fun to commemorate your friend's big day. When you give a congratulatory bouquet or plant with a meaningful message, your friend's anniversary will be all the sweeter. Here are some simple messages you can give to your friends while they celebrate another year together.

  • Happy anniversary, you two! Isn't it crazy that a year has passed so quickly? Cheers to 1 down and many to go.
  • Happy anniversary, my friend. Wishing you a very special day and many more happy years to come.
  • It wasn't too long ago when I was just watching you getting married. I can't believe it's been (number) years already. Happy anniversary!
  • I am thrilled to celebrate your special anniversary. I thought of you when I saw these flowers. Have a great day!

When you send a kind and loving message, it will certainly be received with gratitude and happiness. After all, you're their friend, and your words and sincerity mean the world to them!

Messages for Coworkers

It's always professional to commemorate an anniversary at your workplace. By giving a deliverable floral gift, you can help a co-worker feel more loved and valued on their anniversary. Plus, it's great for strengthening professional relationships at work.

  • Happy anniversary to the best boss ever. We're just so happy to give you this bouquet in honor of you. Sincerely, the office.
  • I heard from someone that your anniversary was today. Many congratulations and I wish you the very best.
  • Happy anniversary, (name)! Everyone in the office is thrilled to congratulate you and spoil you today. Happy hour is on us!

As with all professional relationships, keep things short, sweet, yet warm enough to still feel personal. By saying just enough with sincerity, you can strengthen your work relationships.

Send Anniversary Flowers

Send anniversary flowers today to someone special. It’s easy, convenient, and such a wonderful way to send some positivity into this world. Order same-day delivery, next-day delivery, or schedule something in advance with our convenient checkout options.

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