Care Instructions
Light: Orchids prefer bright, indirect light. Place your orchid about 1 - 3 feet back from a South or West facing window to ensure the plant gets bright light but doesn’t get burned by the direct sun.
Water: Water your orchid with 3 ounces or 2 ice cubes of water every week. In most cases, this will work. Occasionally, you’ll want to check the dryness of the potting medium (the moss the orchid is planted in). If it’s very dry, give the plant a more thorough watering. Note: ALWAYS water below the leaves. If water flows into and sits and the center of the leaves, it will lead to crown rot and kill the orchid. If water does get between the leaves, soak it up with cotton buds or tissue. You can also blow gently into the meeting of the leaves to remove this water.
Notes & Tips: Keep me warm! Orchids are very sensitive to changes in temperature. If your orchid is exposed to cold (under 55 degrees) for more than 10 minutes, the unbloomed buds will begin to “blast” – turn yellow and shrivel up, and eventually fall off the plant. There’s no reversing this once it’s happened. Consider sending fresh flowers or another plant during the winter months.