My mom, Diana Precht (who also runs her own flower farm in Colorado called "Rocky Mountain Blooms") has grown flowers and more specifically dahlias since I was about 10 years old. We lived within minutes of one of the biggest dahlia producers in the country; Swan Island Dahlias in Oregon. I was never much interested in the dahlias when I was a kid because kids rarely appreciate things like that.
But one day when Sarah and I were visiting my parents, my Mom was taking the Floret Flower Farming course and she wanted to share some of the brilliance of this unique educational experience. She showed us the video on how to propagate dahlias from cuttings and we were fascinated by it. We were hooked and thought "this could be the passion project we could share".
Sarah and I both have an undying and fervent love of the natural world. We both long to be outdoors, feeling the sensations that only nature can produce. The great thing about growing plants is the barrier to start is extremely low. Buy some seeds, throw them in the ground, water them a bit, and chances are good something will grow. Of course, doing it well and as a career takes a whole lot more, which we are finding out on a daily basis! But we love it and there is an allure and thrill that is indescribable about it that has committed us for life.